
POEMA em Língua Gestual

You are about to watch a video clip of a twenty-year-old young man, who says a poem in his mother tongue: Portuguese Sign Language.He is deaf and suffers from a certain degree of autism. I have the privilege of being his teacher since September 2009.
Watch the video clip, enjoy it and then try to accomplish the tasks beneath it. Each task is a little more difficult than the previous one. Give them all a try! (Post your answers as a comment)

A.   From the words below, choose the ones you would use to describe the video clip/poem.
expressive              touching                    amazing                  confusing               optimistic
interesting              intriguing                   boring                      beautiful                pessimistic
B.    Imagine the video clip had no words, just the gestures and the expressions of the young man.
Would you understand anything? What?
C.    Complete:
The poem expresses …
The author needs …
He wants his friend to …
D.   Ricardo is deaf and somewhat autistic, but he attends a regular school where the majority of the people can hear perfectly and communicate orally.
Do you think he is discriminated against by other students? Explain.

4 comentários:

Sandra Rodrigues disse...
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Sandra Rodrigues disse...

Wonderful expression "I have the privilege...". I can't wait to surprise/touch/shock(?) my students with this clip when we start working on the topics "people with disabilities", "discimination" and "integration".

TheBibleLegacyAcrossGenerations disse...

Um recurso útil que pode ser usado na nossa sala de aula.
Tentei seguir o seu blog, mas não apareço entre os seguidores. Pode dar-me uma ajuda?

M.J.Cardoso disse...

Across TheBible para se tornar seguidor, basta clicar no icone por baixo da palavra "Seguidores" e inserir o seu email no gmail e password para iniciar sessão.

Espero que tenha ajudado!
Abraço MJota